Soul Kisses

Your fingers play my body and touch my heart. They feel me inside while they hear my crazy, insatiable desire calling for you. My heart chases the track of your hand through my body, feeling you, wanting you… badly… and screaming for more. My heart beats like a crazy drum because it has found his player, and it lets itself be played through the days, the nights, the nights… Nights of passion, of heat, of wildness, of love… Nights where there’s only you and me, and our mad desire about each other. Nights that don’t seem to end; nights where we create our own dimension, our own world, where we make our wild and craziest dreams and fantasies real… where our imagination flies with the wings of your love and never lands. It travels in the back of a phoenix, recreating our love in each kiss, each sensation, each touch, each hug, each look… when your bodies touch, when our eyes cross, when our mouths connect, when our tongues play, when our hands unite, something takes part of me and asks for more, and more, and more, forever… And when you can’t feel my touch, when your body leaves my arms, when your mouth leaves mine, and I can’t reach your eyes, I know that your souls are living that nights, I know that they never leave our world, even when our bodies have to leave it. So even apart, we scream love by our souls. And we feel, we live our soul kisses, our soul looks, our soul touches…we live every sensation, every heart beat… We live each other, kiss by kiss, second by second… even bodies apart.


Marta disse…
And even when lovers are not together, love is never apart from them... It breathes in every part of our skin, in the memories of kisses, hugs, the touch of his hand, his eyes making us burn in a fire that doesn't end, that makes the pace of our hearts run faster, only by thinking of the one we love. Our souls connected and connecting to others , in this strange thing they call passion, and that I jus call LIVING!Beautiful, beautiful as you and your love!
Anónimo disse…
Mor é assim eu n tenho palavras pa descreve tal sentimento explicito no texto!És perfeita em tudo acredita meu amor e eu jámais poderei deixar de te AMAR pq tu preenxes o meu coraxao totalmente!Fátima eu AMO-TE e vou-te provar smp isso meu amor!O teu amor é lindo e tu és encantadora...obrigado por existires pq sem ti n teria gosto em viver....AMO-TE!
Anónimo disse…
eu so vou dizer uma coisa pk eu n th jeito p fazer destes comentarios, K ABUSO de texto, continua o bom trabalho. azta*****
Anónimo disse…
a beleza das tuas palavras espraia se em kk texto..mesmo kd escrito numa ligua k n a materna. Mas a esta beleza junta s a sensualidade. A fluencia e magnetismo das palvaras descrevem movimentos voluptuosos, sugestivos,inebriantes...usas como poucos o poder de deixar kem t le envolvido numa ambiencia paralela..num recanto de um tempo tempo cristalizado!!! As tuas palavras s deveras cristais!!
Anónimo disse…
No words are enough to exalt the sublimity of your soul...
It's incredible how you can paint with the highest degree of perfection your feelings...your desires...yourself...
I'm thankful to know you! =)
Daniel Cardoso disse…
Your text is indeed sublime, and your words are powerful. The sensuality mixed with true love gives everything a different flavour... Something I can't quite define. The text is an ever-shifting one, where passion, lust and longing are entwined together.

It's really beautiful. Keep going, please. :)

Fátima disse…
gracia tanta... à tutti!!! *(=*

(I don't think I deserve such complements, but you gave me strengh to carry on...)